Class rtk.Slider

Class Hierarchy
Horizontal only

Vertical orientation sliders are not yet implemented. This will come in a future release. If this is important to you, please chime in on the GitHub issue.

The slider widget is useful for inputting numeric values.

rtk.Slider supports both continuous and discrete modes (depending on whether step is defined), with optional ticks and tick labels.


Sliders can be made discrete via the step attribute, and tick marks can be enabled using the ticks attribute:

somebox:add(rtk.Slider{step=10, ticks=true})

Ticks positions can also be labeled:

somebox:add(rtk.Slider{step=1, ticks=true, min=1, max=3, ticklabels={'Low', 'Medium', 'High'}})

If you want labels on either end of the slider, it's easy enough to place it in an rtk.HBox with rtk.Text instances for labels. This example also shows that the slider color can be changed, and its value initialized:

local hbox = somebox:add(rtk.HBox{spacing=5, valign='center'})
hbox:add(rtk.Slider{color='crimson', value=67})

Sliders may contain arbitrarily many thumbs, by passing a table of values as the value attribute, rather than a scalar. This is commonly used to implement range sliders. Here's a more complete example showing a range slider with labels on either end, all packed into an rtk.HBox, and updating the labels based on current slider values. Note here we must use a fixed-width rtk.Text to ensure the slider size doesn't shift around as the value changes:

local hbox = somebox:add(rtk.HBox{spacing=5, valign='center'})
local min = hbox:add(rtk.Text{'25', w=25})
local slider = hbox:add(rtk.Slider{value={25, 75}, step=1})
local max = hbox:add(rtk.Text{'75', w=25})
slider.onchange = function(self)
    min:attr('text', self.value[1])
    max:attr('text', self.value[2])

Intrinsic size is greedy

Unlike most widgets whose intrinsic size is based on some aspect of of their attributes (for example, the intrinsic size of an rtk.Text widget is based on the rendered size of its text attribute), sliders are naturally greedy and will consume the full size of the box offered by their parents. So a horizontal slider will consume all remaining width available within its parent container. In other words, it always behaves as if the fillw cell attribute has been set to true.

If you want to constrain this greediness, you can use the maxw attribute to limit the upper bound of the slider's width. Of course you also specify a fixed width using the w attribute, but maxw is usually the better choice as it allows the slider to shrink according to its parent. And if you want to ensure it can't shrink too much, you can use minw.

Tick Constants

Used with the ticks attribute, where lowercase versions of these constants without the TICKS_ prefix can be used for convenience.



Never display tick marks



Always display tick marks (requires step to be defined)



Only display tick marks when the user is actively moving a slider thumb by mouse (requires step to be defined)

Class API


value number or table


The current value of the slider, between min and max (default 0)

color colortype or nil


Overall slider color, affecting the thumb (unless overridden by thumbcolor) plus the active portion drawn over the track, which uses the theme's slider value by default

trackcolor colortype or nil


Track color along which the thumbs are dragged, which uses the theme's slider_track value by default

thumbsize number


The radius of the circular slider thumb (default 6)

thumbcolor colortype or nil


The color of thumb handles, which defaults to color

ticklabels table


When step is defined, this is an optional table of strings to be displayed next to each tick mark (default nil)

ticklabelcolor colortype or nil


The color of the labels written next to ticks when ticklabels is defined, which defaults to the theme's slider_tick_label value

spacing number


The amount of additional space between ticks and ticklabels (default 2)

ticks tickconst or bool


Controls whether and how ticks should be displayed when step is defined (default TICKS_NEVER)

ticksize number


The size of the square tick marks when ticks is enabled (default 4)

tracksize number


The size of the slider track (default 2)

min number


The minimum allowed value of any thumb in the slider (default 0)

max number


The minimum allowed value of any thumb in the slider (default 100)

step number or nil


Snaps slider thumb values to discrete step boundaries (default nil)

font string or nil


The name of the font face (e.g. 'Calibri') for all labels, which uses the global slider font by default

fontsize number or nil


The pixel size of the slider font (e.g. 18) for all labels, which uses the global slider font size by default

fontscale number


Scales all font sizes by the given multiplier (default 1.0)

fontflags number or nil


A bitmap of font flags to alter the label appearance (default nil)

rtk.Slider.value number or table read/write

The current value of the slider, between min and max (default 0).

Multiple slider thumbs can be created by setting this value to a table of values, rather than a single scalar value. Arbitrarily many thumb values may be specified here, but a common use case is to specify two thumbs to implement a range slider.

This attribute may be passed as the first positional argument during initialization. (In other words, rtk.Slider{42} is equivalent to rtk.Slider{value=42}.)

The calculated version of this attribute is always a table, even when you pass a scalar value.

rtk.Slider.color colortype or nil read/write

Overall slider color, affecting the thumb (unless overridden by thumbcolor) plus the active portion drawn over the track, which uses the theme's slider value by default.

rtk.Slider.trackcolor colortype or nil read/write

Track color along which the thumbs are dragged, which uses the theme's slider_track value by default.

rtk.Slider.thumbsize number read/write

The radius of the circular slider thumb (default 6).

rtk.Slider.thumbcolor colortype or nil read/write

The color of thumb handles, which defaults to color.

rtk.Slider.ticklabels table read/write

When step is defined, this is an optional table of strings to be displayed next to each tick mark (default nil). The labels provided are mapped in index order. ticks may be disabled -- labels will still be drawn at the tick positions -- but this attribute is ignored if step is nil.

rtk.Slider.ticklabelcolor colortype or nil read/write

The color of the labels written next to ticks when ticklabels is defined, which defaults to the theme's slider_tick_label value.

rtk.Slider.spacing number read/write

The amount of additional space between ticks and ticklabels (default 2).

rtk.Slider.ticks tickconst or bool read/write

Controls whether and how ticks should be displayed when step is defined (default TICKS_NEVER).

For convenience, a boolean value can also be provided, where false is TICKS_NEVER and true is TICKS_ALWAYS.

rtk.Slider.ticksize number read/write

The size of the square tick marks when ticks is enabled (default 4).

rtk.Slider.tracksize number read/write

The size of the slider track (default 2).

rtk.Slider.min number read/write

The minimum allowed value of any thumb in the slider (default 0). Thumb values will be clamped to this minimum value.

rtk.Slider.max number read/write

The minimum allowed value of any thumb in the slider (default 100). Thumb values will be clamped to this minimum value.

rtk.Slider.step number or nil read/write

Snaps slider thumb values to discrete step boundaries (default nil). When disabled (nil), the thumb values are continuous.

rtk.Slider.font string or nil read/write

The name of the font face (e.g. 'Calibri') for all labels, which uses the global slider font by default.

rtk.Slider.fontsize number or nil read/write

The pixel size of the slider font (e.g. 18) for all labels, which uses the global slider font size by default.

rtk.Slider.fontscale number read/write

Scales all font sizes by the given multiplier (default 1.0). This is a convenient way to adjust the relative font size without specifying the exact size.

rtk.Slider.fontflags number or nil read/write

A bitmap of font flags to alter the label appearance (default nil). Nil (or 0) does not style the font.

Event Handlers

See also handlers for rtk.Widget.



Called when the slider value changes


Called when the slider value changes.

The value attribute reflects the current state.

Return Values

Return value has no significance. This is a notification event only.