Class rtk.Box

Class Hierarchy

Boxes lay out widgets sequentially in one direction (either horizontally or vertically).

This is the base class for single-direction box layouts. Don't use this class directly -- use rtk.HBox or rtk.VBox instead. However, in order to avoid documenting everything twice, the interface for both box orientations is documented here.


When describing the behaviors, phrases like "box orientation" or "box direction" refers to the dimension children are laid out within the box. For VBox the box direction refers to either vertical or height (depending on the context), and for HBox it refers to either horizontal or width.

For example, if we say "fills the cell in the box direction" it means the fill is horizontal for HBox, and vertical for VBox.

Scalable Layouts

While boxes support all the cell attributes documented in rtk.Container, the most important box-specific cell attribute is expand. The expand cell attribute controls how much space is allocated to a cell in the box direction.

When expand isn't specified (or when it's explicitly 0) the cell will be only as big as necessary to fit its widget, but expanded cells will force the overall box to fill out to its own bounding box (in the box direction) and then will compete with one another for that available space.

This mechanism can be used to create fluid layouts. For example, an rtk.HBox added directly to an rtk.Window can create a multi-paned layout that scales with the window. Consider:

local box = window:add(rtk.HBox())
-- Creates a 3-column layout.  fillh=true is needed for this simple example to ensure
-- the Spacer widgets fill the height of the box.  (stretch='full' would also work for
-- this demonstration, although it is subtly different.)
box:add(rtk.Spacer(), {expand=1, fillh=true, bg='cornflowerblue'})
box:add(rtk.Spacer(), {expand=1, fillh=true, bg='royalblue'})
box:add(rtk.Spacer(), {expand=2, fillh=true, bg='tan'})

This code generates a box that looks and scales like this:

Widgets with relative dimensions

While widgets can specify fractional values for w and h which are relative to the bounding box imposed by the parent, use of fractional geometry for widgets can yield some surprising behavior in boxes: the available space for a given widget (and therefore the bounding box against which fractional values are calculated) shrinks with each subsequent widget in the box.

So for the first widget in an rtk.HBox, w=0.5 will mean 50% of the overall box, because it's offered all available space. Then, having taken up half the offered space, the remaining half will be offered to the second widget in the box. If that second widget also specifies w=0.5 then it's actually half the remaining space, which works out to 25% of the overall box.

For this reason, it's preferred to use expand for responsive layouts, which behaves more intuitively.

See also rtk.HBox, rtk.VBox


rtk.Box.FLEXSPACE can be added to boxes in place of a widget to push any subsequent widgets all the way out to the far edge of the box. Flexspaces consume all remaining space not used by widgets. This is similar to adding an rtk.Spacer with expand=1, except that flexspaces do not create cells, they only modify the positions of cells after the flexspace. Flexspaces are therefore a tiny bit faster, and a tiny bit more convenient and readable.

For example:

local box = window:add(rtk.HBox())
box:add(rtk.Text{'Left side', padding=20}, {bg='cornflowerblue'})
box:add(rtk.Text{'Right side', padding=20}, {bg='tan'})

This produces:

If multiple flexspaces are added to a box, the unused space will be divided between them (as if they had all used the same expand value).

Note that as flexspaces don't technically create cells, any cell attributes passed to add() are ignored. This means, for example, bg can't be defined on flexspaces, because there's no cell to color. If you do need this, explicitly add an rtk.Spacer widget with expand instead.

Stretch Constants

Used with the stretch cell attribute to control cell size perpendicular to the box direction, where lowercase strings of these constants can be used for convenience (e.g. 'siblings' instead of rtk.Box.STRETCH_TO_SIBLINGS). These strings are automatically converted to the appropriate numeric constants.



No stretching is done, the cell is based on the widget's intrinsic size



Stretch the cell to the far edge of the box.



Stretch the cell only as far as the largest cell of all other siblings in the box.

Cell attributes

Cell attributes are passed to e.g. add() and control how a child is laid out within its cell.

In addition to these box-specific cell attributes described below, boxes also support all the cell attributes from the base rtk.Container. However in some cases the possible values are extended, so those deltas are documented below.


expand number or nil

Dictates allocated cell size in the box direction and only in that direction (default nil)

fillw boolean

Controls how the child will fill its width within the cell (default false)

fillh boolean

Controls how the child will fill its height within the cell (default false)

stretch stretchconst, boolean or string

Whether the cell should expand perpendicular to the box direction, unlike the expand attribute which is in the box direction (default false)

rtk.Box.expand number or nil

Dictates allocated cell size in the box direction and only in that direction (default nil).

If not defined (or expand is 0), which is default, then the cell will "shrinkwrap" to the child's intrinsic size in the box direction. By setting expand to a value greater than 0, the cell will be sized according its ratio of expand units relative to all other expanded siblings, minus any space needed for non-expanded children.

For example, if only one child in the box has expand=1 then space for all other cells will first be reserved to fit their (non-expanded) children's intrinsic size, and then all remaining space in the container will be given to the expanded cell.

Or suppose you have 3 children in the box and all of them are given expand=1, then the total expand units is 3, and each child will be given 1/3 of the container space.

Or if you have 2 children, one with expand=1 and the second with expand=2, then the total expand units is again 3, and the first child is given 1/3 of the box while the second is given 2/3. Fractional values work too: for example, one child with expand=0.2 and another with expand=0.8. (The expand units are arbitrary and don't need to add up to 1 -- only the child's ratio against the total expand units matters -- but if using fractional values you may find it less confusing to have them sum to 1.0.)

Note that expand only controls the cell size in the box direction. The child will not automatically fill to fit the cell; for that use either fillw or fillh (depending on the box direction). Non-filled children however may be aligned within an expanded cell by using either the halign or valign cell attributes (whichever corresponds to the box direction).

This image demonstrates expand with rtk.HBox, with the blue color indicating the background of the expanded cells. (rtk.VBox works the same except of course that the expansion is in the vertical direction.)

Expand with flexible viewports

When adding a box to an rtk.Viewport which is flexible in the box direction (i.e. adding an rtk.HBox to a viewport with flexw=true, or adding an rtk.VBox to a viewport with flexh=true), if the box itself has no explicit size of its own in the box direction then expand=1 would technically be infinite.

In practice obviously an infinite size isn't possible, so instead the box calculates expanded cell sizes as if the viewport wasn't flexible, and instead uses the viewport's own bounding box as the needed constraint. But this behavior is subject to change in future, so it's recommended not to rely on it.

rtk.Box.fillw boolean

Controls how the child will fill its width within the cell (default false). If true, the child widget will fill the full width of the cell. Otherwise, if false, it will use its natural width.

For rtk.HBox, setting fillw=true implies expand=1 if expand is not already defined. Meanwhile, for rtk.VBox, setting fillw=true implies stretch=true.

rtk.Box.fillh boolean

Controls how the child will fill its height within the cell (default false).

Everything described about fillw applies here, except with the orientation swapped. So for rtk.VBox, setting fillh=true implies expand=1 (if expand isn't already defined), and for rtk.HBox setting fillh=true implies stretch=true.

rtk.Box.stretch stretchconst, boolean or string

Whether the cell should expand perpendicular to the box direction, unlike the expand attribute which is in the box direction (default false).

This diagram depicts the difference between expand and stretch for the different box types:

Unlike expand, the stretch value is not expressed in units because there's no competition for space between siblings. Instead, the stretch constants apply here. However, for convenience, a boolean can also be used for the most common cases, where true is equivalent to STRETCH_FULL and false is equivalent to STRETCH_NONE.

Like expand, stretch dictates the cell size, not whether the widget should itself fill out to the cell's edge. For this, fillw or fillh (whichever is opposite of the box direction) is still required.

Stretching can be useful for alignment purpose. For example, if you have an rtk.HBox and set the cell attribute valign='center' the question is what should the widget be centered vertically against? Unless stretch is explicitly set to STRETCH_FULL, the implied value is STRETCH_TO_SIBLINGS, so that the widget will be centered relative to its tallest sibling. If stretch meanwhile is STRETCH_FULL, a valign='center' widget in the rtk.HBox will be vertically centered relative to the box's own parent-imposed height limit.

Here are two examples showing the behavior of stretch in the context of two HBoxes, where stretch applies in the vertical (i.e. perpendicular) direction. The thick black rectangle is the boundary of the HBox. In the left example, the center-valigned purple sibling is centered relative to the grey h=0.7 widget because stretch=siblings is implied due to non-top alignment. In the right example where stretch is true, now the purple widget is centered relative to the HBox's full height.

Class API


spacing number


Amount of space in pixels to insert between cells (default 0)

rtk.Box.spacing number read/write

Amount of space in pixels to insert between cells (default 0). Spacing is not added around the edges of the container, only inside the container and between cells.

The bg cell attribute does not apply to the spacing area, however the box's own bg does.