Class rtk.FlowBox

Class Hierarchy

Container where children are arranged in rows, wrapping around to a flexible number of columns as permitted by the width of the parent container. Widgets are arranged vertically first, and then wrap over to the next column if space is available.

All cells in the FlowBox will have the same width based on the widest child in the container. This ensures that all columns are equal width. The minw and maxw cell attributes are respected and can be used to column width.

local box = window:add(rtk.FlowBox{vspacing=5, hspacing=10})
for i = 1, 6 do
    box:add(rtk.Button{'Hello ' .. tostring(i)})


This class is currently missing support for cell alignment attributes (halign/valign).

See also rtk.VBox, rtk.HBox

Class API

In addition to all the methods and attributes of the base rtk.Container class, FlowBox also adds the following:


vspacing number


Amount of vertical spacing (in pixels) between adjacent cells (default 0)

hspacing number


Amount of horizontal spacing (in pixels) between adjacent cells (default 0)

rtk.FlowBox.vspacing number read/write

Amount of vertical spacing (in pixels) between adjacent cells (default 0).

rtk.FlowBox.hspacing number read/write

Amount of horizontal spacing (in pixels) between adjacent cells (default 0).